Mandy Horvath

50Legs & POA
50Legs is a 501c3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to assisting amputees in being fitted with quality prosthesis.
The charity financially assists by covering airfare to/from Orlando FL., Prosthetics and Orthotics Association (POA) facility, lodging, and costs of medical equipment otherwise NOT covered by insurance.

Mandy Horvath became a 50Legs recipient in November of 2019. Founder of the charity, Steve Chamberland flew out to Colorado to meet her at the end of October, and invited her to Orlando Florida, where she would be fitted with quality prosthesis at the Prosthetics and Orthotics Association facility.
Within 4 days of arrival at POA- Mandy was up walking comfortably for the first time since amputation, in Stan Patterson's patented Double Wall Suspension socket. She was also fitted with rotator knees from Ottobock, and in 2020, Stan surprised her with new microprocessor knees from Proteor.
In 2021, Chamberland surprised Mandy with blades, and for the first time in 7 years she was able to take her first steps on the run. Thanks to the 50Legs Charity & Prosthetists at POA, today Mandy has the ability to be ambulatory, and follow her dreams. Meeting incredible people and sharing the power of living life to the fullest, even after the unimaginable.

Special thank you from LPBW & Team to the 50Legs Charity, The Fran Haasch Law Group, Florida Full Throttle Magazine and Moromoto Motorsports. She was sponsored the opportunity to photograph/model with photographer Anthony Cianci and be published in the 2021 Florida Full Throttle Magazine Calendar, as the girl of the month for March (See photo to the left).

Photo: L to R- Mandy Horvath, Steve Chamberland (founder),
Brett Botelho (recipient), & Ashlea Nelson (recipient).
Photo Courtesy of Dave Geralds of Mandalay Video Productions.
In July of 2021, Ms. Horvath invited founder of 50Legs, former pro-wrestler, Steve Chamberland to the Amelia Earhart Pioneering Achievement Award luncheon, where she was graciously given a $10,000 honorarium on behalf of the Cloud L Cray Foundation, and The Fran Haasch Law Group, to donate back to and aid others in obtaining quality prosthesis. Special thank you to recipients Brett Botelho and Ashlea Nelson of the 50Legs family for being in attendance.
Sincere thank you as well to the contributing organizational leaders, Karen Seaberg & Francoise Haasch!